Our Partners

cooperation with well-known companies

Two Sigma Investments

A U.S.-based quantitative hedge fund that has partnered with LogicFloww for in-depth research and innovation in the field of data analytics and algorithmic trading.


Renaissance Technologies

This well-known quantitative hedge fund has partnered with LogicFloww to implement advanced computational techniques and analytical tools on mathematically driven trading strategies.

DE Shaw

New York-based DE Shaw has partnered with LogicFloww to combine complex mathematical models with high-end technology to explore new opportunities in the financial markets.


Through its partnership with LogicFloww, Citadel has strengthened its quantitative trading system's data processing capabilities and risk management strategies to drive financial innovation.

AQR Capital Management

As a leader in quantitative investment management, AQR and LogicFloww jointly explore the quantitative improvement and optimization of traditional investment strategies.